Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Profile In Cowardice

And so the democratic cavalry steals themselves for the final charge in the the health care abyss. History they feel is on their side but it is not clear which history that is. Tennyson's The Charge of the Light Brigade is causing the nervous troops of the democratic middle to quake in their shoes and as they realize they won't return from their own valley of death. To charge or not to charge that is the questions? Is their courage in their hearts to stand with their leadership? The leadership sees in the eyes of the troops that there is not courage for the fight, no strength of character to stand and vote.
The leadership has acknowledged they do not yet have the votes and that their is no willingness to vote on the senate bill. So, what do the brave generals decide as their next course of action? Change the rules. The largest, most significant piece of legislation in 4 decades, undeniably hated by the public, will try to be passed by "deeming" it so. Change the rules, throw some dust in the air, tell the audience it is just a technicality. No vote, no courage, just a collection of soldiers afraid to face the public and so they hide, in shame. Is this not what you believe in as liberals? Is this not the bridge to the promise land you seek to impose on the American people? If it is, then say so and vote in public for all to see. If you can't, this will forever be the profile in cowardice we teach our children.

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